Currently EKS Anywhere does not support updating vSphere credential when upgrading cluster with eksctl anywhere upgrade command. There are two ways to perform a vsphere credentials update:

  1. Manually update all vSphere credentials in related Secret objects, follow the steps below:
  • Update EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD environment variable to the new password and get the base64 encoded string of the password using echo -n "<YOUR_PASSWORD>" | base64
  • Update the following secrets in your vSphere cluster using kubectl edit command:
    • {CLUSTER_NAME}-vsphere-credentials under eksa-system namespace - Update password field under data.
    • {CLUSTER_NAME}-cloud-provider-vsphere-credentials under eksa-system namespace - Decode the string under data, in the decoded string (which is the template for Secret object cloud-provider-vsphere-credential under kube-system namespace), update the {CLUSTER_NAME}.password with the base64 encoding of new password, then encode the string and update data field with the encoded string.
    • vsphere-credentials under eksa-system namespace - Update password, passwordCP, passwordCSI field under data.
    • If annotation exists on any of the above Secret object, update password in field.
    • {CLUSTER_NAME}-csi-vsphere-config under eksa-system namespace - If annotation exists on the secret object, update password in field.
  1. Only update Secret vsphere-credentials under eksa-system namespace then trigger a full EKS-A CAPI cluster upgrade by modifying the cluster spec:
  • Update EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD environment variable to the new password and get the base64 encoded string of the password using echo -n "<YOUR_PASSWORD>" | base64
  • Update secret vsphere-credentials under eksa-system namespace - Update password, passwordCP, passwordCSI field under data and in if annotation exists.
  • Modify any field in the cluster config file and then run eksctl anywhere upgrade cluster -f <cluster-config-file> to trigger a full cluster upgrade. This will automatically apply the new credentials to all related secrets.
  1. Update all vSphere credentials in related Secret objects using vSphere credential update script in EKS Anywhere github repository, follow the steps below:
  • Set KUBECONFIG environment variable to the kubeconfig file generated by EKS Anywhere.
  • Update EKSA_VSPHERE_USERNAME and EKSA_VSPHERE_PASSWORD as environment variables with the new credentials.
  • Save the script and run it by passing EKS Anywhere cluster name and the vSphere server name, ./ CLUSTER_NAME VSPHERE_SERVER_NAME.
  • NOTE: The script does not update {CLUSTER_NAME}-csi-vsphere-config, if vSphere CSI is configured for your cluster, you must manually update password in {CLUSTER_NAME}-csi-vsphere-config under eksa-system namespace.