Purchase EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions

Steps to purchase EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions

You can purchase EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions with the Amazon EKS console, API, or AWS CLI. When you purchase a subscription, you can choose a 1-year term or a 3-year term, and you are billed monthly throughout the term. You can configure your subscription to automatically renew at the end of the term, and you can cancel your subscription within the first 7 days of purchase at no charge. When the status of your subscription is ACTIVE, the subscription term starts, licenses are available for your EKS Anywhere clusters, and the AWS account you used to create the subscription has access to Amazon EKS Anywhere Curated Packages.

For pricing, see the EKS Anywhere Pricing Page.

For more information on subscriptions, see Overview of EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions.

Create Subscriptions

NOTE: When you purchase a subscription, you have a 7-day grace period to cancel by creating a case at AWS Support Center. After the 7-day grace period, if you do not cancel, your AWS account is invoiced for the subscription charges. If you use your subscription to file an AWS Support case to receive support for your EKS Anywhere clusters, then the subscription can not be cancelled or refunded, since you have leveraged support as part of the subscription.

NOTE: It is recommended to create subscriptions with the AWS account that will be used to operate the EKS Anywhere clusters. EKS Anywhere subscriptions and the licenses associated with them cannot currently be shared with other AWS accounts via AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM).


  • Before you create a subscription, you must onboard to use AWS License Manager. See the AWS License Manager documentation for instructions.
  • Only auto renewal and tags can be changed after subscription creation. Other attributes such as the subscription name, number of licenses, or term length cannot be modified after subscription creation.
  • You can purchase subscriptions in all AWS Regions, except the Asia Pacific (Thailand), Mexico (Central), AWS GovCloud (US) Regions, and the China Regions.
  • An individual subscription can have up to 100 licenses.
  • An individual account can have up to 10 subscriptions.
  • You can create a single subscription at a time.

AWS Management Console

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/eks/home#/eks-anywhere.
  2. Click the Create subscription button on the right side of the screen.
  3. On the Specify subscription details page, select an offer (1 year term or 3 year term).
  4. Configure the following fields:
  • Name - a name for your subscription. It must be unique in your AWS account in the AWS Region you’re creating the subscription in. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive), hyphens, and underscores. It must start with an alphabetic character and can’t be longer than 100 characters. This value cannot be changed after creating the subscription.
  • Number of licenses - the number of licenses to include in the subscription. This value cannot be changed after creating the subscription.
  • Auto renewal - if enabled, the subscription will automatically renew at the end of the term.
  1. (Optional) Configure tags. A tag is a label that you assign to an EKS Anywhere subscription. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You can use tags to search and filter your resources.
  2. Click Next.
  3. On the Review and purchase page, confirm the specifications for your subscription are correct.
  4. Click Purchase on the bottom right hand side of the screen to purchase your subscription.

After the subscription is created, the next step is to apply the licenses to your EKS Anywhere clusters. Reference the License cluster page for instructions.


To install or update the AWS CLI, reference the AWS documentation. If you already have the AWS CLI installed, update to the latest version of the CLI before running the following commands.

Create your subscription with the following command. Before running the command, make the following replacements:

  • Replace region-code with the AWS Region that will host your subscription (for example us-west-2). It is recommended to create your subscription in the AWS Region closest to your on-premises deployment.
  • Replace my-subscription with a name for your subscription. It must be unique in your AWS account in the AWS Region you’re creating the subscription in. The name can contain only alphanumeric characters (case-sensitive), hyphens, and underscores. It must start with an alphabetic character and can’t be longer than 100 characters.
  • Replace license-quantity 1 with the number of licenses to include in the subscription.
  • Replace term 'unit=MONTHS,duration=12' with your preferred term length. Valid options for duration are 12 and 36. The only accepted unit is MONTHS.
  • Optionally, replace tags 'environment=prod' with your preferred tags for your subscription.
  • Optionally, enable auto renewal with the --auto-renew flag. Subscriptions will not auto renew by default.
aws eks create-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --name 'my-subscription' \
  --license-quantity 1 \
  --term 'unit=MONTHS,duration=12' \
  --tags 'environment=prod' \
Expand for sample command output
    "subscription": {
        "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:us-west-2:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "name": "my-subscription",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "licenseQuantity": 1,
        "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
        "term": {
            "duration": 12,
            "unit": "MONTHS"
        "status": "CREATING",
        "packageRegistry": "<packages-registry>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
        "autoRenew": false,
        "licenseArns": [],
        "licenses": [],
        "tags": {
            "environment": "prod"

It may take several minutes for the subscription to become ACTIVE. You can query the status of your subscription with the following command. Replace my-subscription-id with the id of your subscription. Do not proceed to license your EKS Anywhere clusters until the output of the command returns ACTIVE.

aws eks describe-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --id 'my-subscription-id' \
  --query 'subscription.status'

After the subscription is created, the next step is to apply the licenses to your EKS Anywhere clusters. Reference the License cluster page for instructions.

View and Update Subscriptions

After you create a subscription, you can only update the auto renewal and tags configurations.

AWS Management Console

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/eks/home#/eks-anywhere.
  2. Navigate to the Active Subscriptions or Inactive Subscriptions tab.
  3. Optionally, choose the selection button for your EKS Anywhere subscription and click the Change auto renewal button to change your auto renewal setting.
  4. Click the link of your EKS Anywhere subscription name to view details including subscription start and end dates, associated licenses, and tags.
  5. Optionally, edit tags by clicking the Manage Tags button.


List EKS Anywhere subscriptions

  • Replace region-code with the AWS Region that hosts your subscription(s) (for example us-west-2).
aws eks list-eks-anywhere-subscriptions --region 'region-code'
Expand for sample command output
    "subscriptions": [
            "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
            "arn": "arn:aws:eks:<region>:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
            "name": "my-subscription",
            "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
            "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
            "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
            "licenseQuantity": 1,
            "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
            "term": {
                "duration": 12,
                "unit": "MONTHS"
            "status": "ACTIVE",
            "packageRegistry": "<account-id>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
            "autoRenew": false,
            "licenseArns": [
            "licenses": [
                    "id": "<license-id-string>",
                    "token": "<license-token-string>"
            "tags": {
                "environment": "prod"

Describe EKS Anywhere subscriptions

  • Replace region-code with the AWS Region that hosts your subscription (for example us-west-2).
  • Replace my-subscription-id with the id for your subscription (for example e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964).
  • Replace my-subscription with the name for your subscription.

Get subscription details for a single subscription.

aws eks describe-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --id 'my-subscription-id'
Expand for sample command output
    "subscription": {
        "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:<region>:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "name": "my-subscription",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "licenseQuantity": 1,
        "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
        "term": {
            "duration": 12,
            "unit": "MONTHS"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "packageRegistry": "<packages-registry>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
        "autoRenew": false,
        "licenseArns": [
        "licenses": [
                "id": "<license-id-string>",
                "token": "<license-token-string>"
        "tags": {
            "environment": "prod"

Get subscription id with subscription name.

aws eks list-eks-anywhere-subscriptions \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --query 'subscriptions[?name==`my-subscription`].id'

Get subscription arn with subscription name.

aws eks list-eks-anywhere-subscriptions \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --query 'subscriptions[?name==`my-subscription`].arn'

Update EKS Anywhere subscriptions

  • Replace region-code with the AWS Region that hosts your subscription (for example us-west-2).
  • Replace my-subscription-id with the id for your subscription (for example e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964).

Disable auto renewal

aws eks update-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --id 'my-subscription-id' \
Expand for sample command output
    "subscription": {
        "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:<region>:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "name": "my-subscription",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "licenseQuantity": 1,
        "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
        "term": {
            "duration": 12,
            "unit": "MONTHS"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "packageRegistry": "<packages-registry>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
        "autoRenew": false,
        "licenseArns": [
        "licenses": [
                "id": "<license-id-string>",
                "token": "<license-token-string>"
        "tags": {
            "environment": "prod"

Enable auto renewal

aws eks update-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --id 'my-subscription-id' \
Expand for sample command output
    "subscription": {
        "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:<region>:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "name": "my-subscription",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "licenseQuantity": 1,
        "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
        "term": {
            "duration": 12,
            "unit": "MONTHS"
        "status": "ACTIVE",
        "packageRegistry": "<packages-registry>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
        "autoRenew": true,
        "licenseArns": [
        "licenses": [
                "id": "<license-id-string>",
                "token": "<license-token-string>"
        "tags": {
            "environment": "prod"

Update tags

aws eks tag-resource \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --resource-arn 'my-subscription-arn' \
  --tags 'geo=boston'

Delete Subscriptions

NOTE: Only inactive subscriptions can be deleted. Deleting inactive subscriptions removes them from the AWS Management Console view and API responses. To delete any Active Subscriptions, please create a Support Case with AWS Support team.

AWS Management Console

  1. Open the Amazon EKS console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/eks/home#/eks-anywhere.
  2. Click the Inactive Subscriptions tab.
  3. Choose the name of the EKS Anywhere subscription to delete and click the Delete subscription.
  4. On the delete subscription confirmation screen, choose Delete.


  • Replace region-code with the AWS Region that hosts your subscription (for example us-west-2).
  • Replace my-subscription-id with the id for your subscription (for example e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964).
aws eks delete-eks-anywhere-subscription \
  --region 'region-code' \
  --id 'my-subscription-id'
Expand for sample command output
    "subscription": {
        "id": "e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "arn": "arn:aws:eks:<region>:<account-id>:eks-anywhere-subscription/e29fd0d2-d8a8-4ed4-be54-c6c0dd0f7964",
        "name": "my-subscription",
        "createdAt": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "effectiveDate": "2023-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "expirationDate": "2024-10-10T08:33:36.869000-05:00",
        "licenseQuantity": 1,
        "licenseType": "CLUSTER",
        "term": {
            "duration": 12,
            "unit": "MONTHS"
        "status": "DELETING",
        "packageRegistry": "<packages-registry>.dkr.ecr.<region>.amazonaws.com",
        "autoRenew": false,
        "licenseArns": [
        "licenses": [
                "id": "<license-id-string>",
                "token": "<license-token-string>"
        "tags": {
            "environment": "prod"