Curated Package management

Managing EKS Anywhere Curated Packages

EKS Anywhere Curated Packages make it easy to install, configure, and maintain operational components in EKS Anywhere clusters. EKS Anywhere Curated Packages are built, tested, and distributed by AWS to use with EKS Anywhere clusters as part of EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscriptions.

See Prerequisites to get started. Check out EKS Anywhere curated packages concepts for more details.

Overview of curated packages


Prerequisites for using curated packages

Packages configuration

Full EKS Anywhere configuration reference for curated packages

Managing the package controller

Packages regional ECR migration

Migrating EKS Anywhere Curated Packages to latest regional ECR repositories

Managing package bundles

Configuration best practices

Best practices with curated packages


List of EKS Anywhere curated packages

Curated packages troubleshooting

Troubleshooting specific to curated packages

ADOT Configuration

Cert-Manager Configuration

Cluster Autoscaler Configuration

Credential Provider Package Configuration

Emissary Configuration

Harbor Configuration

MetalLB Configuration

Prometheus Configuration

Metrics Server Configuration