Packages regional ECR migration

Migrating EKS Anywhere Curated Packages to latest regional ECR repositories

When you purchase an EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription through the Amazon EKS console or APIs, the AWS account that purchased the subscription is automatically granted access to EKS Anywhere Curated Packages in the AWS Region where the subscription is created. If you received trial access to EKS Anywhere Curated Packages or if you have an EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription that was created before October 2023, then you need to migrate your EKS Anywhere Curated Packages configuration to use the latest ECR regional repositories. This process would cause all the Curated Packages installed on the cluster to rollout and be deployed from the latest ECR regional repositories.

Expand for packages registry to AWS Region table
AWS Region Packages Registry Account
us-west-2 346438352937
us-west-1 440460740297
us-east-1 331113665574
us-east-2 297090588151
ap-east-1 804323328300
ap-northeast-1 143143237519
ap-northeast-2 447311122189
ap-south-1 357015164304
ap-south-2 388483641499
ap-southeast-1 654894141437
ap-southeast-2 299286866837
ap-southeast-3 703305448174
ap-southeast-4 106475008004
af-south-1 783635962247
ca-central-1 064352486547
eu-central-1 364992945014
eu-central-2 551422459769
eu-north-1 826441621985
eu-south-1 787863792200
eu-west-1 090204409458
eu-west-2 371148654473
eu-west-3 282646289008
il-central-1 131750224677
me-central-1 454241080883
me-south-1 158698011868
sa-east-1 517745584577

Steps for Migration

  1. Ensure you have an active EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription. For more information, refer Purchase subscriptions.

  2. If the AWS account that created the EKS Anywhere Enterprise Subscription through the Amazon EKS console or APIs and the AWS IAM user credentials for curated packages on your existing cluster are different, you need to update the aws-secret object on the cluster with new credentials. Refer Updating the package credentials .

  3. Edit the ecr-credential-provider-package package on the cluster and update matchImages with the correct ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription. Example, for us-west-2. Reference the table in the expanded output at the top of this page for a mapping of AWS Regions to ECR package registries.

    kubectl edit package ecr-credential-provider-package  -n eksa-packages-<cluster name>

    This causes ecr-credential-provider-package pods to rollout and the kubelet is configured to use AWS credentials for pulling images from the new regional ECR packages registry.

  4. Edit the PackageBundleController object on the cluster and set the defaultImageRegistry and defaultRegistry to point to the ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription.

    kubectl edit packagebundlecontroller <cluster name> -n eksa-packages
  5. Restart the eks-anywhere-packages controller deployment.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment eks-anywhere-packages -n eksa-packages

    This step causes the package controller to pull down a new package bundle onto the cluster and marks the PackageBundleController as upgrade available. Example

    NAMESPACE       NAME              ACTIVEBUNDLE   STATE               DETAIL
    eksa-packages   my-cluster-name   v1-28-160      upgrade available   v1-28-274 available
  6. Edit the PackageBundleController object on the cluster and set the activeBundle field to the new bundle number that is available.

    kubectl edit packagebundlecontroller <cluster name> -n eksa-packages

    This step causes all the packages on the cluster to be reinstalled and pods rolled out from the new registry.

  7. Edit the ecr-credential-provider-package package again and now set the sourceRegistry to point to the ECR package registry for the AWS Region where you created your subscription.

    kubectl edit package ecr-credential-provider-package  -n eksa-packages-<cluster name>

    This causes ecr-credential-provider-package to be reinstalled from the new registry.