anywhere copy packages

anywhere copy packages

Copy curated package images and charts from source registries to a destination registry


Copy all the EKS Anywhere curated package images and helm charts from source registries to a destination registry. Registry credentials are fetched from docker config.

anywhere copy packages <destination-registry> [flags]


      --dry-run                     Dry run will show what artifacts would be copied, but not actually copy them
      --dst-insecure                Skip TLS verification against the destination registry
      --dst-plain-http              Whether or not to use plain http for destination registry
  -h, --help                        help for packages
      --kube-version string         The kubernetes version of the package bundle to copy
      --src-chart-registry string   The source registry that stores helm charts (default src-image-registry)
      --src-image-registry string   The source registry that stores container images

Options inherited from parent commands

  -v, --verbosity int   Set the log level verbosity